One on One Blueprint WORKOUT
If your are not ready for the gym, bring your own Personal Trainer into your living Room!!
I will be...
live one day a week with you in your living room
watching your form
directing your steps
keeping you safe and out of pain!
Enter your bullet points here..
You will...
Get more Energy
Have less Pain
Move Better
Keep Up with your Children and Grandchildren
Have Fun and Meet New People!!
Receive access to live classes 5 days per week, and daily replays as a bonus!
Enter your bullet points here..
Workout Schedule
MWF 7:15 am Pacific Time Yamuna Body Rolling (We use Yamuna Balls, which you can order at the website)
MWF 8:00 am Pacific Time Cardio/Strength - Grab your weights, bands or exercise ball.
TTH 7:15 am Pacific Time Pilates - Mat Pilates using items around the house.
TTH 8:00 am Pacific Time Weights Only - Lifting to help build muscles and strengthen bones.
MWF 7:15 am Pacific Time Yamuna Body Rolling (We use Yamuna Balls, which you can order at the website)
MWF 8:00 am Pacific Time Cardio/Strength - Grab your weights, bands or exercise ball.
TTH 7:15 am Pacific Time Pilates - Mat Pilates using items around the house.
TTH 8:00 am Pacific Time Weights Only - Lifting to help build muscles and strengthen bones.
Contact information
Choose a pricing option
- Preferred optionMonthly Subscription ($299.00 per Month - 4 Sessions)$299.00/mo
- Preferred option$89.00 per 1 Hour Private Session$89.00
Choose your price
Payment information
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- Total payment
- 1xFit Life Workout (One on One Clients)$0-+
- Discount
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Total
- Today's payment
- Fit Life Workout (One on One Clients)$0
- Discount
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Total
- Future payments
- $0
- Discount$0
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Future amount
$0 - Today's payment:
$0 - Today's payment
All prices in USD